By Alexander Schaffler With no comments

Alsim Simulateurs and Flight Simulator Trader have started a cooperation which now successfully led to a sale of a FNPTII MCC. The device, an AL200 MCC Trainer was sold to UAB Aerojet, taking over the device for Akademija Grazdanskoj Aviacii, Kazakhstan, whose subsidiary company Training Center Part-FCL will be the operator of the FSTD. This simulator will enhance training of the school, which will be ATO certified at the end of the month.


Flight Simulator Trader (FST) assisted Alsim in generating the lead and provided first technical consulting for the customer, who was looking for that particular kind of device. In the following, FST assisted in negotiations and independently provided advice to the customer in order to arrange and balance benefits to both the manufacturer and the customer.

Alsim and Flight Simulator Trader (FST) cooperate on a non-exclusive basis in order to sell FSTDs. This collaboration with FST relieves the manufacturer and the customers from time and resource consuming tasks. Benefit of this model is to provide independent advice to the customer in depth knowledge of the industry and FST serving as a manufacturer-customer-interface..

Alsim Simulateurs is a French based company having manufactured and qualified fix-base Flight Simulation Training Devices world-wide since 1994. Their generic concept, which includes several aircraft classes, has been unique and has proven successful throughout the world, especially for those flight schools, which base on generic training concepts and seek a training device which covers most part of their curriculum from SEP, via MEP to METP and MEJ.

UAB Aerojet Baltic: The presence and development of private or small aviation in Russia, Kazakhstan and CIS countries with aircraft made by Cessna, Piper fuel and its high cost. Aerojet Baltic installs diesel engines as the official distributor of Technify Aircraft and other manufacturers is currently limited by the absence of special Engines GmbH.

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Posted: March 16, 2015