Flight Simulator Trader sells FTD2/ FNPTII MCC to Svensk Pilotutbildning, Gothenborg, Sweden
Flight Simulator Trader has successfully completed the sale of a VRM Citation CJ2 device, to be qualified as FTD2 & FNPTII MCC to Swedish ATO Svensk Pilotutbildning (SPU), a school based in Gothenborg and currently providing ab initio training for fix-wing and rotary wing aircraft.
Flight Simulator Trader assisted the buyer and provided first technical consulting for the customer Svensk Pilotutbildning, who was particularly interested in this kind of device. SPU needed risk assessment and additional securities in order to enter an agreement with the seller, which was done in an evaluation of the device together with SPU. In the following, FST assisted in negotiations and independently provided advice to the customer in order to provide benefits to both the manufacturer and the customer.
Further, FST assisted Svensk Pilotutbildning in the first phase of device relocation, by helping with disassembly, packing and shipping of the device to Sweden.
Svensk Pilotutbildning (SPU) is a swedish pilot training organization based in Goeteborg. SPU provides ab initio training for both fix wing and rotary wing aircraft.
If you like to find what out what we have done in the past and what kind of services we offer, please download our references.

Posted: April 23, 2015