Flight Simulator Trader (FST) would like to announce its first used Diamond Aircraft Flight Simulator sale to Iroise Aéro Formation! IAF is a flight school located in Brest, France, operating a fleet of DA40 TDI G1000, a Tecnam P2002-JF and an Aquila A210. For their future flight training operation IAF purchased a used 2008 Diamond Simulation DA42 FNPTII according to CS-FSTD(A). With Thielert configuration and Bendix KingAir KAP140 Autopilot this device will add on to their existing Alsim G-Sim. Mainly targeting at PPL(A)- and IR(A)-Training, this device will provide further improvement to their quality of training. IAF will also offer the simulator on a flat rate dry lease base to other ATO’s in order to support the growing demand for private IR-Training.
The device had formerly been owned & operated by Bavaria Aviation, a german registered facility and future non-complex ATO located in Memmingen. It will continue its regular operation without flight training device support. On behalf of Bavaria Aviation, FST was assigned to market the device and completed this task by finding IAF as the new owner of the device. In order to successfully re-install & operate the flight simulator, FTD Consulting (FTDC), the partner company and the founder of the project Flight Simulator Trader, had been hired by Iroise Aéro Formation to provide training on the flight training device and to conduct the disassembly.
In this first phase of the relocation, training had been conducted by FTDC especially for operation, basic maintenance, QTG recording and visual calibration of the FNPT II device. The disassembly, packing and loading was then also conducted by FTD Consulting/ Flight Simulator Trader with support from IAF staff within 3 days.
In the second phase after transportation, the device has now been re-installed by IAF staff at the premises in Brest. As sufficient instructions had been given to reassemble this Diamond Aircraft Flight Simulator beforehand, the reassembly was done quickly and without any problems.
IAF is now able to operate this device according to their business case and are able to use one of the best flight simulation training devices for this particular aircraft type in the market.
The project “Flight Simulator Trader” has been launched in order to provide cost-effective solutions supported with sophisticated FSTD service packages, adjustable to every stage of flight simulator purchase or operation, whether new or used devices are involved.

Posted: August 14, 2013