FSTD Qualification Application Support

This package is intended to be a service package with mandatory items to be done and to minimize the risks to fail qualification & to guarantee a perfectly working device.

FSTD Application Forms & Documents

Application for FSTD Qualification with local CAA

  • Preparation of application forms
  • Compilation of all necessary qualification relevant documents

We will help you with the official application documents as we make sure that for the application all necessary documents are available or that the time frame has been coordinated with the local CAA.

Inspection & Guidance on FSTD Safety Installations according to PART-ORA

For the operation of FSTDs under EASA regulation, all safety installations have to be in place according to PART-ORA

Advice on Preparation of FSTD Facility with regards to qualification

According PART-ORA, there are certain requirements to follow to gain a successful FSTD qualification. We make sure that all facility installations fulfill the requirements as we provide guidance on what needs to be done.

FSTD Management System & Compliance Monitoring Program Package

As FSTD operator under EASA, you are to follow the regulatory requirements of Subpart ORA.FSTD and ORA.GEN to Commission Regulation EC290/2012 dated 31st of March 2012. This package is intended to be a service package with mandatory items to be done and to minimize the risks to fail qualification.

The Management System is mandatory for all organizations operating FSTDs according to PART-ORA of the new EASA regulations.

  • Management System Implementation with defining all the roles within the organization
  • Preparation of Management System Manuals
  • FSTD Compliance Monitoring Program Setup
  • Preparation of CMP Manuals including all procedures, checklists & forms

Under the EASA regulations it is vital to implement a management system and a compliance monitoring system in order to make sure all qualification relevant items are met and FSTD qualification is maintained. This implementation is accompanied by the preparation of comprehensive documentation (Manuals & Checklists). We provide that service in order to relieve your operations from unnecessary workload.