By Alexander Schaffler With no comments

CS-FSTD(A) Issue 3 – Take away from FSEMCs EFTeG hosted by EASA


Flight Simulator Trader wants to keep you updated on the latest regulatory developments within the Flight Simulation Industry. The meeting of the European FSTD Technical Group (EFTeG) had taken place on the – 17th/ 18th of January 2024 in Cologne, Germany at EASAs premises providing new insights we want to summarise in brief:


New Certification Specification: CS-FSTD(A) Issue 3


FST had in the past provided some analysis and comments on the Notice of proposed amendment (NPA 2020-15) in a former blogpost you can review here.  We are still awaiting the updated version with changes influenced by the industry and European NAAs, so we cannot give you a detail update before we have not seen the latest drafts. However, we want to list a few points we have taken away from the meeting and at least clarify point that might have raised some concern or confusion.

  1. CS-FSTD(A) Issue 3 will be an amalgamation of the CS-FSTD(A) and CS-FSTD(H) and will be the basis for both aircraft types. For other aircraft types, e.g. eVTOLs a new regulation will be drafted in the next round of the Rule Making Taks Group. For now the Issue 3 will be also valid for new aircraft types if that is applicable. Final term maybe CS-FSTD Issue 3? Not sure about that. There will be the so-called “focused consultants” within the next couple of months with a new draft and changes as have been provided via theEASA  CRT – Comment Response Tool.
  2. Release date: The new certification specification is planned for December 2025 with an interim period as usually used in new regulatory development.
  3. Grandfathering: There were discussions if all grandfathering is only available for FFS C and D types and other operators might be forced into the new system. As it turns out now, the grandfathering is available for generally all devices and the change is “voluntarily”. Be careful, that does not mean you stay on the old system for good. A) All new devices from December 2025 when the CS comes into force will need to have the new system based on the FCS (FSTD Capability Signature). B) Legacy devices on the old system can conduct their training if they are too old (older than JAR FSTD A Amendment 3). Operators of  Legacy Devices from Amendment 3  can basically voluntarily apply for an Assigned FCS that is given to you by the NAAs in order to stay competitive within the industry and to use the new system. If you operate an older device or an old aircraft device then it makes sense to stay on the old system and not risk the cost impacts as the new CS will have higher demands for especially FTDs but also for the visual systems.
  4. Equipment Specifications List (ESL): This will further detail your device and its capability and this will be required by all FSTD operators as will also be listed in the new FSTD certificates. The ESL and FCS when drafted by operators will have to be handed to the NAAs with an interim period of 1 year when NAA is requesting those.
  5. Trigger Point when an operator is falling under the new CS is the date of application.

Flight Simulator Trader will provide guidance on the implementation of the new regulation!

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Posted: January 19, 2024