By Alexander Schaffler With no comments

EPA Training Center, Curitiba, Brazil receives qualification for their FlightSafety ATR 42-500/42-300/72-200 Full Flight Simulator. The device had been delivered by FST – Flight Simulator Trader to develop EPAs training portfolio for South American and overseas operators of ATR aircraft.

Flight Simulator Trader was acting as general contractor on behalf of the seller and EPA Training Center thus completing sourcing of Full Flight Simulator, evaluating, upgrading and relocating the device.

During the development of its new Training Center location at Curitiba Airport Brazil, EPA Training Center selected Flight Simulator Trader with a given track record in sourcing, evaluating, selling and relocating simulators. The ATR Full Flight Simulator which had been a part of FSTs portfolio is currently in operation at EPAs new training center near Curitiba Airport.

“We are very happy to work with EPA Training Center and help them building their training portfolio!”, says Mr Alexander Schaffler, Managing Director of Flight Simulator Trader. “Flavio Farias is a CEO with a very positive and encouraging attitude and we are very positive about our future business relationship and adding benefits to EPA as a growing FSTD Operator.”

“Alexander Schaffler, FST, has been very supportive of all of our demands since the beginning and definitely contributed to the success of this acquisition. With the ATR FFS, we expect to expand training services to Latin American regional airlines with highly experienced instructors in a brand with an 8-bay facility.”

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Posted: September 5, 2020